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MUN in Markham 

In Markham College, MUN is an acclaimed and popular activity where students with mixed interests and a love for public speaking join to expand their knowledge and abilities 



Our school has a notable past with hosting events, with over 400 participants in our traditional conferences, and more than 200 in our first virtual online ones. However, what really matters and what paths the history of the Markham community is the commitment and effort every team member gives. 


Here at Markham, we take Model United Nations not only as an extracurricular activity but as a chance to grow, learn and become better versions of ourselves. We’ve taken our delegations to international conferences overseas, travelling to major cities like New York, and we’ve even won ‘Best International Delegation’ at Harvard University’s MUN. Each time learning more about each other and finding ways to improve as a whole. 


We value teamwork, friendship, and perseverance. We strive to the top through hard work, respect for others and honesty. We’re not afraid to recognize our mistakes, and that’s what makes us stronger, that’s the Markham legacy.

Letter from the Secretary-General

Dear Delegates and Faculty, 


It is my utmost honour to welcome you to Markham MUN 2023! After a lengthy year of planning, alongside the Secretariat Team we have managed to organize what we believe is the best Markham MUN there has been. I could not be more excited to see the support and enthusiasm you have all given us in this process. With over 350 delegates we expect a remarkable, intricate and insightful debate to develop in the two days of the conference. 


I am Arantza De La Torre, this year’s Markham College Secretary General. Throughout my five years involved in the MUN activity I saw outstanding secretary generals lead the team with drive and passion. Seeing such leadership ignited my interest for MUN, something that eventually led me to becoming Secretary General. Guiding such an amazing team this year has truly been a pleasure, and working alongside the Undersecretary Generals has been an honour. I’ve always believed MUN is the key for student development, something about researching extensive hours, building up the courage to speak in public and becoming a writing expertise, shapes someone to strive for knowledge and excellence in an incomparable way.  


I began my MUN journey in 2018 after signing up for Montessori MUN Conference in Rome. With only 13 years of age I had a mere idea of what MUN entailed and what I should be expecting. After travelling approximately 11,000km to speak a total of three times I thought “this is not for me”. The technical vocabulary, formal attire and and invasive speeches made me baffled and even discouraged. However, I took this experience and decided to use as a stepping stone for what was to come. Once back in school I formally registered for the activity and started expanding my limited skills. After a few months I registered for a few conferences, as I began to gain more experience my confidence in debate improved and my engagement did as well. 


The first time I thought of myself as minimally capable of running the Markham MUN team was when I attended Harvard MUN in 2022. Interacting and being exposed to so many well-spoken and educated students showed me the importance of the issues we discuss and how through the power of collaboration we can honestly change the world. Once I returned to school year I was under-secretary general and organizer of the Markham MUN conference of 2022. Even though I faced several challenges that year it was a crucial moment that showed me how much I genuinely care for this activity and what it stands for. 


During these two days of the conference I ask you all to look beyond your positions and titles as we are now united by a shared sense of purpose and vision. The success of this conference will not be measured solely by the number of resolutions we pass but rather the quality of the ideas we generate and the spirit of collaboration we cultivate. I hope that all of you find Markham MUN 2023 a space where diplomacy disinvolves, peace is sustained and development is ensured. 


Yours uniquely, 

Arantza De La Torre


Letter from the Undersecretary General

Dear delegates,


It is with great honor that we welcome you to this year’s edition of the Markham Model UN conference. Opening the background guides marks the start of your journey in this conference as you begin the research stage and start your preparation to succeed in MMUN. During the last couple of months our team has been working vigorously to provide the best quality accommodations, resources and experience, however, the real magic of an MUN conference comes from the commitment and dedication that you, the delegates, put into the debates. We wish to share a part of our motivation and what MUN means to the both of us co-under secretary generals.


My name is Juana Shimamoto and I am currently a 5B student here at Markham. For me traveling, listening to music and going to the beach are extremely important to maintain balance between an academically rigorous and social life. My MUN journey started in 2018, originally not too keen on it, I gradually started realizing the value it had.  Listening to the things my peers had to say, a world opened beyond my eyes. At first, I found it really challenging to speak up and defend my arguments, but thanks to the help of my mentors, I discovered that I was actually capable of doing it. 


My name is Adrian Lopez-Torres and I am in 5B. I am more of a math person than a debating one, I believe analysis, strategy and rationality are the key to a successful outcome. I joined MUN 2 years ago but quickly became aware of all of the opportunities it offers. Having attended several conferences now, the abilities developed by delegates in MUN are priceless. Negotiation, public speaking and leadership develop in MUN but go far beyond the limits of a conference. I believe MUN complemented the side I was missing and hence I am grateful for the positive impacts it has brought upon me. 


We hope that sharing a bit of our motivation can help you think of yours. We want for this conference that you, as delegates, enjoy it above all, that you participate in the motions and that you fight fiercely for the prizes you deserve. Thinking of the topics, we designed a varied set of debating pathways with utmost intention of encouraging fruitful discussions and insightful conclusions, it is now up to you to take those topics and expand on them accordingly, whether that is debating them with a warrior wolf diplomacy, or a more tranquil approach.

We want to congratulate you on your courage to participate in this MUN conference, and we are looking forward to seeing you in person next 2nd and 3rd of December.


Yours Sincerely,

Adrian Lopez-Torres & Juana Shimamoto




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